Current teams/ Signups:
Teams and Bracket:
[el]Rick, ex, Golgo
[eL]Todd, Bluemeanies, ni-ux(Focalor?)
Haunted, Sooint, 2d,
Kyper, Greenz, TheCleaner
Slugs, Jehar, Idioplex
[eLPhil, Fader, Ava
Adrenaline, [IR]Dervish, Erica
_c0re, [eL]Legend, Magic
Zeil, Random, AllexxKrycek
y-, [el]stan, Misery
[el]Blend0r, washed, Civilian
About This Mod

Rocket Arena 2 is a team based game in which each player spawns randomly around an arena styled map. Each player spawns with 100 health and 100 armour. Once the countdown finishes you are to use whichever weapon you want to eliminate the enemy team.
The winning team gets awarded one point for each round won. Player scores are added up by every 100 damage you do.
You should also note that any self explosions from a weapon will take off your armour but not your health, and fall damage is a thing, so watch your health before you leap!